Indian markets plunged further due to aggressive selling activity seen in index heavyweights amid huge volatility after the Union Budget. RBI credit policy dampened the market sentiment. Realty, banking and consumer durables stock were badly hit. At 2.46 p.m., the Sensex was trading down 209.11 points or 1.18% at 17,466.74 with 24 components falling. Meanwhile, the Nifty was trading lower by 56.35 points or 1.05% at 5,324.15 with 40 components falling. Sectors in Limelight The Oil & Gas index was at 8,235.20, down by 288.35 points or by 3.38%. The major losers were Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (5.74%), Cairn India (4.91%), Oil India (4.54%), G A I L (India) (2.24%) and Gujarat State Petronet (1.83%). The PSU index was at 7,475.51, down by 208.5 points or by 2.71%. The major losers were Bank Of Baroda(3.02%), Bank Of India (2.99%), Allahabad Bank (2.84%), Andhra Bank (1.71%) and Bank Of Maharashtra (0.77%). The Power index was at 2,201.55, down by 57.21 points or b...