Startups are taking e-commerce to small towns by partnering with mom-and-pop stores to set up kiosks with product catalogues. Customers get the shopkeeper to order products they normally do not have access to. It's online shopping, offline At Nisha Textiles, a 1,200-sqft two-storeyed apparel store in Cherupuzha, a small town in Kannur district of north Kerala, a queue of customers waits for a turn to shop on a device in a kiosk. The kiosk has a catalogue of products, such as gadgets and apparel, which are not available in the town but the tech-savvy shopkeeper will order for them online. "At first, people check out the kiosk as they are curious. Then they realize that a lot of products are easily available," says Rahul V S, the 28-year-old shop owner. The kiosk in his four-decade-old shop is powered by StoreKing, a startup that enables shopkeepers in small towns help their customers buy products they normally would not have access to. These kiosks remove hurdles to online...
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