On Wednesday, India's largest bank, State Bank of India, said it had blocked close to 6 lakh debit cards following a malware-related security breach in a non-SBI ATM network. Several other banks, such as Axis Bank, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank, too have admitted being hit by similar cyber attacks — forcing Indian banks to either replace or request users to change the security codes of as many as 3.2 million debit cards over the last two months. ATM FRAUD Keypad jamming: The fraudster jams the 'Enter' and 'Cancel' buttons with glue or by inserting a pin or blade at the buttons' edge. A customer trying to press the 'Enter/OK' button after entering the PIN, does not succeed, and thinks the machine is not working. An attempt to 'Cancel' the transaction fails as well. In many cases, the customer leaves — and is quickly replaced at the machine by the fraudster. A transaction is active for around 30 seconds (20 seconds in some cases), and he is able to remo...
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