The government on Thursday extended the last date for use of the denotified Rs 500 notes till December 15, and stopped the over-the-counter exchange of cash with immediate effect. However, the banned notes will continue to be exchanged for new currency at RBI counters According to the ministry of finance, Rs 1,000 notes would no longer be allowed to be used for the list of exemptions the government had announced. These notes can, however, be deposited in bank accounts. The statement on Thursday also expanded the exemptions to include payment of fees up to Rs 2,000 per student in central and state government colleges as well as central government, state government, municipality and local body schools. Following is a list of areas added or modified where the concession to use the denotified Rs 500 notes will be applicable from Thursday midnight to December 15, 2016: - Payments towards pre-paid mobile recharges to a limit of Rs 500 per top-up - Purchase from consumer cooperative stores li...
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