Funds can also charge for the service tax on their management fee. Hence, an equity fund with a corpus up to ₹ 100 crore may end up charging upto 3.3 per cent if you add different charges !! What is it? Mutual funds are professionally managed investment vehicles which help investors to grow their money by investing in financial assets such as equities, bonds, gold and other assets. Mutual fund companies charge a cost to their investors for managing their schemes. This cost is called the Total Expense Ratio. What is it? Mutual funds are professionally managed investment vehicles which help investors to grow their money by investing in financial assets such as equities, bonds, gold and other assets. Mutual fund companies charge a cost to their investors for managing their schemes. This cost is called the Total Expense Ratio. Why is it important? While mutual funds in the developed world charge a variety of fees and costs to investors, in India, almost all the costs are packed into t...
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