Comparison of covid 19 data from some notable countries - how are they performing in coronavirus control
India has about 45 total cases per million and about 1200 tests per million. Out of about 65000 total cases, about 20000 cases are recovered. Let us look at the data of other countries. we will look at countries which have been able to control the covid 19 infection in a better way as compared to most other countries. We have included mostly those countries where govt response was swift and strict measures were imposed. We have excluded countries where govt response was not strict for a long time even after more than 100 cases were discovered. Germany, considered as having one of the best in response to coronavirus, is in lock down since 23 March (not very far from the date for India), has had about 2000 total cases per million and about 32000 tests per million. Out of about 170000 total cases, about 145000 cases are recovered. Canada, also considered as having one of the best in response to coronavirus, has had about 1800 total cases per million and about...