This video is a basic overview of U.S. imperialism toward Iran that began at the behest of the British Government and big oil interests including British Petroleum also recently known as BP.
The United States' own CIA led it's first coup to overthrow a foreign leader against Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, The U.S. has suffered "Blowback: ever since, all the while the supposed leaders in Washington continue to demonize Iran's leaders on flimsy grounds as more pretense to continued Middle East war and occupation by the U.S.
Study those who actually vote against getting the U.S. into wars based on false pretense. http://ThePresident.Com

Example of regime change: Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953, with his daughter, farewell after a state visit to the United States, November 1951

Example of regime change: Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953, "Man of the Year", January 1952
Also see:
Bill Oreilly Panics After Ron Paul (US presidential candidate) Brings Up 1953 Iran Coup by US and UK
This video is a basic overview of U.S. imperialism toward Iran that began at the behest of the British Government and big oil interests including British Petroleum also recently known as BP.
The United States' own CIA led it's first coup to overthrow a foreign leader against Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, The U.S. has suffered "Blowback: ever since, all the while the supposed leaders in Washington continue to demonize Iran's leaders on flimsy grounds as more pretense to continued Middle East war and occupation by the U.S.
Study those who actually vote against getting the U.S. into wars based on false pretense. http://ThePresident.Com
There Is No Alternative: (Arab) revolt 2.0
In large letters found on the title page of the delivered before Christmas January 2013 issue of the "Socialist newspaper" (POI) an appeal entitled "There Is No Alternative: (Arab) revolt 2.0". It states: "... People want real freedom and finally social rights and a better life. This is so in Egypt, and it will also be in Syria as if the dictator Assad is overthrown. "Again, there is no need for complicated considerations. The President of the country - referred to as a "dictator" - in the language of the enemy regime change strategists. And a "dictator" must be overthrown. This perspective ties in with what the POI has published in the field of Libya. "The regime of Gaddafi is much more totalitarian and despotic, as it was of Ben Ali or Mubarak," was to learn in the edition of April 2011 by an Italian "communists", the chairman of the PCL.The Libyan revolution was inextricably linked to the "Arab revolution", which took its origin in Tunisia and Egypt. This is exactly the point of view of how the regime change strategists want to persuade the public to make the operations only in Libya and now Syria plausible.
Example of regime change: Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953, with his daughter, farewell after a state visit to the United States, November 1951
War is not the solution
"War is not the solution ..." So, in large print Christmas display 2012 peace counsel is overwritten. Also applies to Syria that. The question is should be found of conflicts, their causes must be identified in time and for a solution.Negotiations and reconciliation of interests are appropriate means in this context. Is that so?
There are robbers. And there are those who are to be deprived. There are imperialist forces. And there is one country that becomes their target. There is a legitimate government, the power to be taken by regime change. And now someone comes and proposes negotiations and balance of interests. How is this to be assessed? If a balance of interests between the imperialist robbers and the attacked produced? What is the compromise? If the balance of interests is to limit the prey, and carry out the crime only to a part?
Rejected a "violent regime change." What does that mean? That leaves all other forms of influence with the aim of regime change to: Propaganda War and funding of counter-forces, for example. The answer to the question of whether the call is a call for regime change: the call raises this demand not open, but they can subtly to.
Example of regime change: Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953, "Man of the Year", January 1952
Yes to democracy, no to foreign intervention!
Of an "International initiative to end the war in Syria" (International initiative to stop the war in Syria) originates the call "Yes to democracy, no to foreign intervention." It is published on a website called "". It is the site of the "Anti-imperialist Camp" (AIK). "" advertises this call the "anti-imperialist left" as an alternative to calling "Freedom needs assistance" without "stop war preparations! Embargoes stop!" At the clarification, existing since January 2012 Alternative to point out the part of the call "imperialism needs resistance" of the Federation workers photography.
Referring to several reports of domination media reported "" without distance on an event with Michel Kilo in Vienna. "The widely respected opposition Michel Kilo" had "sprayed optimism", "pave revolutionary democratic front as a step towards a transitional government" too can - without the participation of the "old regime". The regime must stop the killing. From a war against Syria, which has been carried into the country, there is no question.
Should be noted also, that in the name of the initiative and call of a "war in Syria", not a "war against Syria" is mentioned. As the Christmas display of Peace Counsel is also expresses this call for a military intervention, as if it does not - would have started - not particularly obscured. There are a lot more thing you notice: the terms civil society, conflict and transitional government.And it is - without distinguishing between the different countries - in the context of the "movement for democratic rights" of the "Arab brothers" of the Syrian people's speech.
The free-thinkers have used the term "civil society" as seen in a publication dated December 2012 on the "rectification of names". He "is manipulative purposes, not only in terms of ideological indoctrination, but with the practical goal formation of a totalitarian society. 'Civil society' is in the culture of the ruling just a buzzword ... suggests the dominant culture: Civil society is a good thing. There it goes to pluralistic, open, without force, tolerant, citizens have organized a variety of options for voice and participation in public affairs.Hidden remains that civil society is geared to a thousand channels both with the bourgeois state and the capitalist economy ... "People should" be lured into the trap of an organized civil society by those in power. "
In the quarterly magazine THE CROCODILE the term conflict is put under the microscope and asked: "Was the Holocaust a Jewish conflict? Was the German invasion of Poland Poland conflict? Is the extermination of the Indians in America an Indian conflict? Is the war to a destruction of Yugoslavia Kosovo conflict? Is the systematic, long-planned expulsion and killing of Palestinians by Israel Middle East conflict? No! These are crimes of imperialist states crimes committed. Terms such as Kosovo conflict or the Middle East conflict serve their concealment, their trivialization. "The same goes for the planned imperialist appropriation of Syria. It is a crime and there is no conflict.
CBS News reported on 27.2.2012 by an "overwhelming support of the constitutional reform" in Syria, "the end of fifty years of one-party rule" brings with it. 89 percent of voters who voted for it. In contrast, "A lasting peace agreement must lead to a constitutional process that free elections, organized by a transitional government, provides" it says - the constitutional referendum completely unmentioned leaving - in the AIK call. The term "transitional government" implicitly means the end of the existing government and is unmistakably a step leading to regime change. The idea of a "transitional government" is also found in federal government adviser Volker Perthes from the "Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik", which makes quite openly about a regime change thoughts - for example in the book "Syria: The Difficult Road to Freedom". Whose freedom? The people of Syria? Probably not!
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Also see:
Bill Oreilly Panics After Ron Paul (US presidential candidate) Brings Up 1953 Iran Coup by US and UK