Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has met his match in the Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar - or should we say he has been beaten in the economic growth stories of their respective states.
In the face of sluggish domestic demand and global economic slowdown, Bihar has recorded a staggering growth rate of 11.95 per cent rate annually at constant prices during 11th Five Year Plan, the highest among states.
This is better than what Narendra Modi's state has been clocking.
Per capita income (NSDP at current price) of Bihar is Rs 25,653 as against Rs 60,972 for All India in 2011-12, Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, who also holds
Finance portfolio, told reporters after tabling the economic survey 2012-13 in the state Assembly today.
"The ratio of per capita income in Bihar and India now stands at 42.1 per cent compared to 32.4 per cent in 2007-08," Modi said.
Modi said the economic survey narrates the impressive trajectory Bihar's economy and the impact of development strategies of the present government in the state on the population.
Modi said that the state witnessed impressive growth in all sectors.
Going into details, he said the production of cereals in 2011-12 was 17.2 million tonnes compared to 10.4 million tonnes in 2010-11. Production of rice increased to a new high of 8.2 million tonnes in 2011-12 against 3.1 million tonnes in 2010-11.