There is 92 times gold sold on paper than in real existence- There is no better way to preserve your wealth in an unstable economy of the world than buying physical Gold
Egon von Greyerz and James Turk discuss why gold is the best way to preserve wealth for the long term

Egon von Greyerz
The Coming Shortage Of Physical Gold and Silver That Will Send Prices Soaring
According to the Reserve Bank of India, “the traded amount of ‘paper linked to gold’ exceeds by far the actual supply of physical gold: the volume on the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) OTC market and the major Futures and Options Exchanges was OVER 92 TIMES that of the underlying Physical Market.”
-----------------When Gold And Silver Bottom Is Irrelevant To Your Financial Health- there is no better way to preserve your wealth in an unstable economy of the world
Debt is a lien, so whenever you use FRNs to buy anything, whatever you purchase carries with it a lien. This is why when you purchase a house or a car, the government keeps real title, and all you get is an equitable title, usage, like a rental because you pay annual rent back to the government. Whenever you sell your house or car, the lien transfers with it.
No matter what you “buy,” a house, a car, furniture, equipment, etc, the lien of 100% goes along with it, because you used a FRN, and all title, rights, and interest fully belongs to the creditor, the Federal Reserve. Also, for the privilege of using a FRN debt instrument, you get to pay a tax on them. [Enter IRS]
With gold and silver, you paid in full for whatever you bought, and you received all rights, title, and interest. The government has no claim against you. You do not need the government because you are dealing with coin of the realm that gives you absolute right, title, and interest. Can you better understand why Socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt ran the scam he did for the New World Order to have all “persons” turn in their gold, an order issued by Executive Order. Few knew that Executive Orders only applied to those within the employ of the federal government! Of course, the federal government did nothing to dissuade those who falsely believed otherwise, and still do.
Why are gold and silver so important to your financial health, and why are they so fiercely opposed by governments? Three words: Rights, Title, Interest. By stripping people of their most accessible form of wealth, they became dependent upon the government. How many people are dependent upon Social Security, [another scam], Medicare, and now the largest growing segment, Food Stamps?
If you have wealth, and gold and silver are forms of wealth, [no matter how anyone would say otherwise], you do not need fiat; you do not need the government. However, the government needs you! By taking away your wealth and leaving you only with debt, you are caught up in their web.
Central Banks Are Betting Big On Gold
From January 2011 to May 2013, the Russian central bank purchased gold in 22 of 25 months. Altogether, the Russian central bank has purchased 207.4 tons of gold bullion. (Source: World Gold Council web site, July 2013.)The central bank of Turkey, which became a buyer in October 2011, has added 329.2 tons of gold bullion to its balance sheet for 16 of the 20 months since then. The central bank of Turkey has started to use gold as collateral.
Germany to bring home $38B in gold reserves
In what sounds like the setup for a stylish Hollywood heist movie, Germany is transferring 635 tonnes of gold bars worth $36 billion US from Paris and New York to its vaults in Frankfurt.
The move is part of an effort by Germany's central bank to bring much of its gold home after keeping big reserves outside the country for safekeeping during the Cold War.
Shipping such a large amount of valuable cargo between countries could be a serious security headache.
A gold robbery — the subject of such movies as "Die Hard 3" and "The Italian Job" — would be embarrassing and expensive for Germany.
The high-stakes, high-security plan is to move the precious metal — 340 tonnes from vaults in Paris and 270 tonnes stored at the New York Federal Reserve Bank — to the Bundesbank in Germany's financial center over the next eight years.
For obvious reasons, the central bank won't say whether the estimated 50,000 bars are being moved by air, sea or land or how it intends to keep the shipments safe.
"For security reasons we can't discuss that, partly to protect the gold, partly to protect the staff that will be carrying out the transfer," said Bundesbank spokesman Moritz August Raasch.
"But, of course, since we transport large sums of money around Germany every day, we've got a certain amount of experience with this."
Egon von Greyerz makes regular media
appearances such as on KWN, CNBC and BBC and speaks at investment conferences
around the world. He also publishes articles on precious metals, the world
economy and wealth preservation.
Egon von Greyerz is the Founder and Managing Partner
of Matterhorn Asset Management AG
(MAM) and GoldSwitzerland based in Zurich,
Switzerland. MAM specialises in wealth preservation for high net worth
individuals as well as institutions.
GoldSwitzerland is the precious metals division of
MAM. GoldSwitzerland buys, sells, transfers and stores precious metals for
investors. The metals are stored in the name of the clients in ultra-secure
vaults in Switzerland. MAM also assists clients in transferring existing gold
and silver holdings out of the banking system to the private vaults. Clients
have full control of their gold and silver bars which are allocated and
segregated. Clients have personal access to the vaults to inspect or collect
their metals.