The hedge fund manager on the financial crisis, his bets for the future and his decision to be extremely negative about India in his just-released book
Hedge fund manager and Rogers Holdings chairman Jim Rogers says the main reason for the correction in gold prices, other than the fact that it needed it, was on account of Indian politicians who suddenly blamed their problems on the metal. Photo: Bloomberg
Updated: Tue, Aug 13 2013. 08 15 PM IST
Singapore: Hedge fund manager Jim Rogers, who moved to Singapore in 2007 because he thought the centre of the world is shifting to Asia, says India is set to miss out on the Asian century. The chairman of Rogers Holdings says that if there is one country an individual must visit, it has to be India for its “spectacular sensory feast, beautiful, food, colour and religions”, but it is also the worst country to do business in. Rogers also slammed the Indian government’s recent curbs on gold imports, saying Indian citizens had no choice but to buy the metal because they had very little faith in investing in other sectors of its economy. In an interview, Rogers spoke about the financial crisis and his bets for the future and defended his decision to be extremely negative about India in his just-released book Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets.
Jim Roger has a net worth of around $300 million (About Rs 1500 crores)