Hyderabad: The Panjagutta police of West Zone nabbed two persons including a techie belonging to a Mumbai-based gang that was involved in ATM card cloning and skimming. The gang used to affix a replica of the ATM slot (a black metal panel equipped with battery and card reader) in the ATM slot and a spy camera on the ceiling above the machine, at unmanned centres. They clone the cards, collect PIN details and withdraw cash later. Those arrested were identified as Hyder Ali Sarang alias Ajju, 37, a welder and Avith Ashok Shetty, 29, a former employee of Wipro, both Mumbai residents.
Police said the kingpin Faizan Farook Chatriwala, 30, a techie, is absconding. Police said they are also on the hunt for the other gang members Hussain Han-eef Hakam, 25, Ashish Mawadi alias Red and White, 25, Nazire Alam, 22, Akhil Adil Bowranya, 30, all residents of Mumbai and Zaffer Hafiz Khan, 40, a travel agent from Hyderabad, who sheltered the accused.
According to A Venkateshwara Rao, DCP West Zone, Faizan is allegedly involved in various offences including snatching, extortion, at various areas in Mumbai. The kingpin allegedly procures cocaine from Nigerians, the DCP said.
Officials said in 2013, they cloned about 70 ATM cards at Goa and withdrew Rs 12 lakh from ATMs in Hyderabad. In February this year, they cloned about 60 cards from the Oriental Bank of Commerce ATM, at Lifestyle building, Begumpet, and withdrew Rs 7 lakh from ATMs in Goa.
In March 2014 they cloned about 80 to 100 ATM cards at the SBH ATM, at Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, and withdrew around Rs 10 lakh from ATMs in Goa. The Panjagutta crime team, which acted on a tip-off, nabbed the accused who confessed during interrogation, police said.
Police said they have cracked 32 cases registered at various police stations in Hyderabad and Cyberabad and that the gang is involved in 101 cases. A camera panel equipped with battery and USB, a Bezel (replica of the ATM card slot) with a built-in magnetic card reader were also seized.