1. The First World War 17 million dead
(caused by non-Muslims)
2. The Second World War 50-55 million dead
(caused by non-Muslims)
3. Nagasaki atomic bombs 200,000 dead
(caused by non-Muslims)
4. The war in Vietnam over 5 million dead
(caused by non-Muslims)
5. The war in Bosnia / Kosovo over 500,000
dead (caused non-Muslims)
6. War in Iraq (so far) 1,200,000 deaths
(caused non-Muslims)
7. Afghanistan, Burma etc. (caused by Non-
You still think that Islam is the problem?!
And when it is said to them, "Do not cause violence on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers." Al-Quran (2:11)
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. As the name implies it is basically an English test for testing the proficiency of the language in an individual. Training for IELTS can be taken to pass the IELTS exam or to develop good english language skills. I am giving the training institute addresses for Hyderabad. The test system is jointly managed by the British Council,IDP education ltd and University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations and more than 1 million candidates are taking the exam all over the world. The test has two versions : 1. Academic 2. General training Academic version is for people who plan to continue their higher education by enrolling in universities in countries like US,UK,Australia,Canada,New Zealand etc.The academic institutions in these countries consider the IELTS score as a criteria for the admission process. General training is mostly for immigration purposes in countries like Australia,New Zealand,Canada etc. It may ...