KT Rama Rao, IT minister of Telangana, Hyderabad said T-Hub provided aspiring entrepreneurs access to mentorship, investors, markets and governments. It gave start-ups an opportunity to dabble with the painstaking efforts that common man confronted and to come up with solutions.
Asked to comment on the Centre's 'Startup India' initiative, Mr. Rao said the way forward for an initiative like that was to encourage children to innovate from a young age. Expose them to the pain of common man and ask them to come up with solutions. Just allocation of money was no answer.
Earlier, Mr. Rao met industry and business leaders, notably Godrej group chairman Adi Godrej, Infosys executive vice-chairman Kris Gopalakrishnan, chairman and CEO of ReNew Power Sumant Sinha and LuLu group international chairman Yusuff Ali M.A.