A. Processor:
Did you know ?:
Did you know ?:
A core i5 8250U processor was released in Q3 2017 and has a Base clock speed of1.8 GHz , whereas a core i3 8145U processor was released in Q4 2018 and has a Base clock speed of 2.3 GHz which is higher !!
core i5 8250U :
core i3 8145U:
Check the processor parameters on https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/
An expensive laptop does not mean it has a higher speed !!
You have to check the processor variant on the details of the laptop in specifications.
B. Hard Disk:
SSD type of Hard Drive are about 3 times faster than HDD type of Hard Drive.
How to choose a SSD ?
SSD guide in brief:
SSD guide in detail:
B. Hard Disk:
SSD type of Hard Drive are about 3 times faster than HDD type of Hard Drive.
How to choose a SSD ?
SSD guide in brief:
SSD guide in detail: