Any side effects?
There are no side effects of Blood Donation. A small percentage of first-time donors may psychologically feel a little dizzy but only for a few minutes. This is not a matter of concern.
How much?
One can donate up to 450 ml of blood
The body can replenish this volume within 24 hours
Normally only 350 ml of blood is collected by the Blood Bank
What happens to the donated blood?
The blood is thoroughly tested in all possible respects and given to the needy patients after cross matching
The Blood is separated into components viz. Red Cells, White Cells, Plasma & Platelets
The blood components are made available to Hospitals and Nursing Homes on need basis
This is how each time you donate blood you save up to 4 lives
Benefits to the donor?
It reduces the chances of ischemic heart diseases (beginning of heart problems) as frequent donations reduce the accumulated and unwanted iron load from the body
Each donor's blood is checked for Blood Group, Malaria, V.D.R.L, Hepatitis "B" & "C", HIV I&II (AIDS)
Blood screen report is issued to all voluntary donors
Blood Group Card is issued, in case of necessity Blood can be arranged free-of-cost for the voluntary donor and his relatives
How frequently can one donate blood?
Males every 3 months
Females every 4 months
Who can Donate blood?
Be in generally good health and feeling well
Be at least 18 years of age; upper age 60
Weigh at least 50 Kgs
Pulse: 80 to 100 beats/min and regular
Temperature: Should not exceed 99.5 (37.5c)
Blood Pressure: acceptable range is 110/60 to 140/90
Do not donate blood, if:
You have ever tested positive for HIV
You have ever injected yourself with drugs or other substances not prescribed by a physician
You have hemophilia or another Blood clotting disorder and received clotting factor concentrate
You have been held in a correctional facility (including jails, prisons and/or detention centers) for more than 72 hours in the last 12 months
Pregnant and anemic women should not donate blood
People suffering from contagious diseases should not donate blood
The donor should not have contacted jaundice in the previous three years
Care a donor should take after donating blood:
Drink some liquid like tea, cold drink, juice, etc. to replenish fluid and eat some snacks. All this will be available for you at the blood donation site
Drink more liquids than usual in next 4 hours
Avoid consuming alcohol until you have eaten something
Don't smoke for next 30 minutes
Avoid climbing steps for next 30 minutes
If there is bleeding from the phlebotomy site, raise the arm and apply pressure
If fainting or dizziness occurs, either lie down or sit with the head between the knees
Resume all normal activities if no symptoms occur
Remove bandage next day