1. Welcome Criticism: We all have blind spots, but successful people acknowledge them and actively search for meaningful feedback. Gabe Lozano, co-founder and CEO of the fast-growing sports social media platform LockerDome, embodies this mentality. He is constantly seeking feedback, which is a big component of his success.
2. Authentically Give: Some call it karma, but life has a way of rewarding those who authentically give without an expectation of reciprocity. Mark Suster recently wrote this describing Brad Feld as “the ultimate giver,” something I, too, have experienced. Brad, and his awesomely thoughtful wife Amy, work tirelessly to help build startup communities and further causes in which they believe. They’ve even recently authored a fantastic book, “Startup Life,” to help entrepreneurial couples survive and thrive.
3. Specialize: The temptation is to be all things to all people, but profits flow from value, and value comes from deep expertise. Becoming a true expert requires years of focused experimentation and failure. Jason Fried, co-founder of 37signals, preaches the value of “underdoing” the competition by focusing on what you know. This has led 37signals to evolve from a web design firm to a highly profitable software company.
4. Be Grateful: I recently heard someone say, “Happiness = Reality – Expectations.” Be grateful, because as Epicurus said, “Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little.” Michael Simmons, co-founder of Empact, constantly reminds me that while not perfect, every day of life is a gift.
5. Communicate Transparently: Most want transparency in others, but are scared to reveal their real selves. We fear judgment and shame. Yet practicing consistent transparency builds trust, humanizes your personal brand, and greatly simplifies relationships. Rand Fishkin, founder and CEO of MOZ, embodies this ethos completely, going as far as openly discussing his checking account balance and company revenue projections during his recent round of fundraising.
6. Treat Yourself Well: Will Bowen put it simply: “Hurt people hurt people.” Those who are experiencing strife and pain inflict it on others. Conversely, those who are healthy physically, mentally, and relationally spread compassion and care. No one demonstrates this more than Derek Flanzraich, who founded Greatist.com, which helps people find balance, health, and personal well-being on a daily basis.
7. Quietly Think: We live a culture that values action and worships the “doer,” where busyness is touted as a demonstration of worth. But as Albert Einstein said, “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.” Kelsey Meyer, co-founder of Influence & Co., has always impressed me with her ability to sit quietly and reason through even the most complex challenges. This thoughtfulness flows down through her organization (of which I’m a client and investor) and is a major reason for its success.
8. Seek Diversity: We all live in bubbles, tending to surround ourselves with people who look, think, and behave like us. Big mistake. Seeking diversity in your life gives you a fresh perspective, healthy discourse, and a more thoughtful approach to life and work. Dave Kerpen, founder of Likeable Media, is constantly exposing himself to new people, ideas, and experiences. This exposure lets Dave write with the best of them and lead a company with a mission to help brands become beloved.
9. Get Comfortable with Failure: Life is like golf; it’s a game of imperfection. The human condition guarantees we’ll make mistakes, experience loss, and fail frequently, but none of that makes you a failure.Jeremy Johnson, co-founder of 2U, embodies this incredibly well. He tried and failed before 2U found success and will transparently tell you how he’s constantly forcing himself to push the boundaries of what’s possible.
With each of these practices, aim to be good, not look good. While appearing transparent, humble, or grateful can give you a short-term boost, real value is derived from authenticity.
Brent Beshore is the founder and CEO of adventur.es, a company that identifies problems to tackle and looks for those who share their passion to create change. Connect with Brent on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.