We should know: What is market research all about? It's more than a formality. This step could determine how far you can take your business. We'll tell you what good market research looks like, and what it can deliver. Why market research for startups is as important as it is to every type of business. How you conduct market research for startups in a way that'll give you actionable data. And we'll finish off with some examples of how market research changed the course for several startups Conducting market research is important for attracting investors If you want to impress potential investors, you'll need more than a shiny prototype. What investors really care about is how likely it is that they will make money out of this. And for that, they'll need to see research that backs up your claims. A big part of your business plan should therefore be market research. Why startups fail That all sounds pretty straightforward so far, right? Then why do startups still ...
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