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Shivaji's Muslim Commanders and Aurangzeb's Hindu Commanders

 Shivaji's Muslim Commanders:

Ibrahim Khan Gardi: He was one of Shivaji's earliest and most trusted Muslim commanders. Ibrahim Khan Gardi played a significant role in the Maratha king's military campaigns and was known for his loyalty.

Darya Sarang: Darya Sarang, also known as Darya Khan, was another prominent Muslim commander in Shivaji's army. He was a skilled naval commander and played a crucial role in expanding Shivaji's influence along the Konkan coast.

Aurangzeb's Hindu Commanders:

Raja Jai Singh I: Raja Jai Singh I was a prominent Rajput noble and military commander in the Mughal Empire during the reign of Aurangzeb. He was known for his administrative skills and military prowess. Jai Singh I played a crucial role in various Mughal campaigns, including those against the Marathas.

Raja Ram Singh: Raja Ram Singh, another Rajput noble, was a commander in the Mughal army during Aurangzeb's reign. He is known for leading the Mughal forces in the Deccan and played a key role in Aurangzeb's campaigns in South India.

Mir Jumla II: Mir Jumla II was a prominent Hindu noble in the Mughal Empire and served as a commander in various military campaigns during Aurangzeb's rule. He was involved in several campaigns in the Deccan and other parts of India.


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